If you are using Google's Structured Data Testing Tool, then you might already encountered the warning message below:

dateModified:   The dateModified field is recommended. Please provide a value if available.

The warning is about the "dateModified" itemprop which is missing inside your website's HTML code. And to fix this issue, all we need to do is just add some line of code and the warning will be gone.


The importance of having no errors or warnings when you test your top-level domain URL as well as the subpages URLs is that, Google robot will not have an issue when crawling your contents during crawling time. And this could lead to a better visibility in search engine result pages or SERPs.

Now, to be able to fix this warning follow the simple steps below.

Note: I am using Blogger platform for this tutorial because my website is under it.

1. First, you need to open a published post in your website. I will use the post below.

2. Find the section wherein you can see the date when the post was published. See example below.

3. When you see it, examine the it and remember that the date is between the Author name, and the Comments word. The Date also has a clock beside it as you can see in the image above.

4. Now, go to your Blogger Theme > click Edit HTML.

5. Press Ctrl + F (Find) and search for the word datePublished. When you see it the code will be looks like the image below.

6. The reason why I asked you to do what you have done at step No. 3 is because, there can be multiple datePublished that you can find when searching. So you better find the correct one using the step No. 3 method. Example, in the code above, you will be there the 'fa fa-clock-o' which is the code for the clock that we see earlier while examining the post at step No. 3. So, I am very sure that we are in the right of codes.

7. What you need to do is just copy and paste the whole code from the opening <span> tag up to the closing </span> tag and paste it just below the closing </span> tag like the sample image below.

8. As you can see in the image above, we have two <span class='post-timestamp'> tags. I just edited the itemprop to itemprop='dateModified' and added style='display:none'

9. Save your template and rerun a test in Google's Structured Data Testing Tool. And if you have followed this tutorial correctly, then you will the see the image below. The dateModified is now accepted by the Google and no longer a warning.

10. You can try it for yourself whether there is a warning or not by accessing the Google Tool here and using the link that I provided for this tutorial.

If you have something to say or ask regarding the tutorial, please leave a comment below. Thank you!