If you wanted to remove or fix a warning message coming from the Google Structured Data Testing Tool saying:

warningmainEntityOfPage: The mainEntityOfPage field is recommended. Please provide a value if available.

Then, you are in the right place. For this post I will guide you how to be able to solve this warning. It is better to solve it to avoid complication when different web crawlers or robots are accessing your blog or website. A website without errors or warnings will have a good chance of visibility when it comes to Google search results and other search engines out there.

Now here are the steps to fix "the mainEntityOfPage field is recommended. please provide a value if available" warning.


Note: I am using Blogger platform for this tutorial.

1. Open your Blogger Theme > click Edit HTMl button.

2. Inside the HTML editor, click anywhere and press CTRL + F (find). Type the word blogPost and search for it.

3. When you find it you will see the same line of code below. See the image.

4. Below the given code in the image above (step No. 3), copy and paste the given code below.

<meta itemscope='itemscope' itemprop='mainEntityOfPage' itemType='https://schema.org/WebPage' expr:itemid='data:post.link ? data:post.link : data:post.url'/>

5. After pasting the code, your HTML will be the same as the code below. See the image.

6. Save your template. Rerun a test using the Google Structured Data Testing Tool. And see if the warning is gone already.

7. Done!

You can try any of the sharingthat.xyz post if you really wanted to see if this tutorial is working.

If you have something to share or ask regarding this tutorial, leave a comment below. Thank you!