If you are using SEOquake Analytics to test or diagnose your website's SEO readiness, then you might have encountered a warning saying:

You have not specified a language for your website.

According to SEO experts, specifying whether your blog or website is a multilingual or not is a very important practice and will lead to a better visibility in search engine results pages or SERPs. So if your website is English, you better declare it inside your website's HTML code.


For this post, I will guide you how to be able to declare any language that clearly represents your whole website. It is better to have or use the generic language which is English because it is the most understand language worldwide.

Ok! To be able to specify your website language when you are using Blogger see the simple steps below.


1. Go to your Blogger Theme > click Edit HTML button.

2. Inside the HTML code of your website's template find the opening <html> tag. You can press CTRL + F and type "<html" (without quotations) for faster searching. See the screenshot below.

3. When you find the opening <html> tag, copy and paste the given code below inside it.


For this tutorial I am going to use American English because this website is purely written in English language. But if your website is having a different one, you can see the list below for your own local website's language.

4. After copying and pasting the given attribute your HTML code will be same as the image below.

5. Click the "Save theme" button to save your work.

6. Done!

HTML Language Codes
Abkhazian: ab
Afar: aa
Afrikaans: af
Albanian: sq
Amharic: am
Arabic: ar
Aragonese: an
Armenian: hy
Assamese: as
Aymara: ay
Azerbaijani: az
Bashkir: ba
Basque: eu
Bengali (Bangla): bn
Bhutani: dz
Bihari: bh
Bislama: bi
Breton: br
Bulgarian: bg
Burmese: my
Byelorussian (Belarusian): be
Cambodian: km
Catalan: ca
Cherokee: ?
Chewa: ?
Chinese (Simplified): zh
Chinese (Traditional): zh
Corsican: co
Croatian: hr
Czech: cs
Danish: da
Divehi: ?
Dutch: nl
Edo: ?
English: en
Esperanto: eo
Estonian: et
Faeroese: fo
Farsi: fa
Fiji: fj
Finnish: fi
French: fr
Frisian: fy
Fulfulde: ?
Galician: gl
Gaelic (Scottish): gd
Gaelic (Manx): gv
Georgian: ka
German: de
Greek: el
Greenlandic: kl
Guarani: gn
Gujarati: gu
Haitian Creole: ht
Hausa: ha
Hebrew: he, iw
Hindi: hi
Hungarian: hu
Ibibio: ?
Icelandic: is
Ido: io
Igbo: ?
Indonesian: id, in
Interlingua: ia
Interlingue: ie
Inuktitut: iu
Inupiak: ik
Irish: ga
Italian: it
Japanese: ja
Javanese: jv
Kannada: kn
Kanuri: ?
Kashmiri: ks
Kazakh: kk
Kinyarwanda (Ruanda): rw
Kirghiz: ky
Kirundi (Rundi): rn
Konkani: ?
Korean: ko
Kurdish: ku
Laothian: lo
Latin: la
Latvian (Lettish): lv
Limburgish ( Limburger): li
Lingala: ln
Lithuanian: lt
Macedonian: mk
Malagasy: mg
Malay: ms
Malayalam: ml
Maltese: mt
Maori: mi
Marathi: mr
Moldavian: mo
Mongolian: mn
Nauru: na
Nepali: ne
Norwegian: no
Occitan: oc
Oriya: or
Oromo (Afan, Galla): om
Pashto (Pushto): ps
Polish: pl
Portuguese: pt
Punjabi: pa
Quechua: qu
Rhaeto-Romance: rm
Romanian: ro
Russian: ru
Sami (Lappish):
Samoan: sm
Sangro: sg
Sanskrit: sa
Serbian: sr
Serbo-Croatian: sh
Sesotho: st
Setswana: tn
Shona: sn
Sichuan Yi: ii
Sindhi: sd
Sinhalese: si
Siswati: ss
Slovak: sk
Slovenian: sl
Somali: so
Spanish: es
Sundanese: su
Swahili (Kiswahili): sw
Swedish: sv
Syriac: ?
Tagalog: tl
Tajik: tg
Tamil: ta
Tatar: tt
Telugu: te
Thai: th
Tibetan: bo
Tigrinya: ti
Tonga: to
Tsonga: ts
Turkish: tr
Turkmen: tk
Twi: tw
Uighur: ug
Ukrainian: uk
Urdu: ur
Uzbek: uz
Venda: ?
Vietnamese: vi
VolapŸk: vo
Wallon: wa
Welsh: cy
Wolof: wo
Xhosa: xh
Yi: ?
Yiddish: yi, ji
Yoruba: yo
Zulu: zu

Language Localisation Codes
Bangla (Bangladesh): bn-BD
Bangla (India): bn-IN
Mainland China, simplified characters: zh-CN
Taiwan, traditional characters: zh-TW
Hong Kong, traditional characters: zh-HK
Belgian Dutch: nl-BE
Standard Dutch (as spoken in The Netherlands): nl-NL
British English: en-GB
American English: en-US
Canadian English: en-CA
Indian English: en-IN
Australian English: en-AU
New Zealand English: en-NZ
Belgian French: fr-BE
Swiss French: fr-CH
Standard French (especially in France): fr-FR
Canadian French: fr-CA
Austrian German: de-AT
Standard German (as spoken in Germany): de-DE
Swiss German: de-CH
Swiss Italian: it-CH
Standard Italian (as spoken in Italy): it-IT
European Portuguese (as written and spoken in Portugal): pt-PT
Brazilian Portuguese: pt-BR
Castilian Spanish (as spoken in Central-Northern Spain): es-ES
Mexican Spanish: es-MX
Argentine Spanish: es-AR
Colombian Spanish: es-CO
Chilean Spanish: es-CL
American Spanish: es-US
Indian Tamil: ta-IN
Sri Lankan Tamil: ta-LK

If you have something to share or ask regarding this tutorial, please do not hesitate to leave a comment below. Thank you!