Ran Online GS is the world version of Ran Online. GS means global server so players all around the world can play this very cool and fantastic game.

Where to Find Ran Online GS Background Music Folder?

The first thing that I like the most while playing Ran Online is the background music. Right from the introduction and the login section of the game, the background music is very cool already.

And you can stay awake playing the game the whole night up to the next day because of these cool and energetic sounds.

If you are very interested playing Ran Online music you can also put these sounds in your phone. Is this possible? Yes it is. All you need to do is find where these cool sounds are inside your laptop or desktop computer.

You will be needing the following to be able to find and send the Ran Online music in your phone.


a. Audio converter, if you do not have one you can just Google ogg to mp3 converter online.
b. Your phone of course
c. Medium to transfer the sounds from your laptop/desktop to your phone. You can use Shareit, Bluetooth or USB connector. Whatever you like.


1. First, you need to find the shortcut icon of your Ran Online GS. The icon that you will see below to be more clear.

2. Right click the Ran Online GS shortcut icon and then click Properties. See the image below.

3. In the Ran Online GS properties, click the "Open File Location" button.

4. The Ran Online GS folder will appear. Click the Sounds folder to continue.

5. When inside the Sounds folder, click next the "bgm" folder.

6. Done! You are now inside the collection of Ran GS Online background music (bgm). You will notice that the audio files extension is OGG. If your mobile phone's audio player supports this kind of extension then you do not need to convert the audio. All you need to do is copy and transfer these files to your phone. But if your phone cannot read the OGG audio type of file, then, you need first to convert the files. Don't worry, converting is very easy.

7. You can try to Google "OGG to MP3 converter online". Just click one of the results, and then upload the Ran Online GS background music that you wanted to convert to the website. When done converting download the audio which is now in MP3 format, then send it to your phone. Just repeat the process to the other music that you wanted to have right inside your phone.