GOM Player (short for Gretech Online Movie Player) is a media player for Windows, developed by the GOM & Company of South Korea.

LIST: GOM Player 160+ Shortcut Keys

GOM for me is one of the best media players available today. Like the VLC player I think these two players are way much better compared to the Windows Media player. They can both play a live streaming, but Windows media player cannot.

For this post, I just collected and listed more than 160 shortcuts that you can use in your GOM player. And they are all listed below for your future reference and convenience, though, all these shortcut keys are all can be seen when navigating GOM's main menu. Have some time and take a look at all the shortcut key combinations below.

F2 - Open File(s)
D - DVD Control
K - Skins
F5 - Preferences
F7 - Control Panel
F8 - Playlist
Ctrl + F1 - About GOM Player
Ctrl + Shift + F10 - Main Menu
F4 - Close
F6 - Playback 360 degrees video

Under OPEN Menu
Ctrl + I - Open Easy Browser
Ctrl + O - Open File(s)
Ctrl + U - Open URL
Ctrl + D - Open Directory
Alt + O - Open Subtitles
Alt + I - Open Easy Subtitles
F12 - Open CD Drive

N - Create Bookmark
Shift + PgUp - Previous Bookmark
Shift + PgDn - Next Bookmark
B - Edit Bookmarks

Alt + G - Add Current File to Favorites
Alt + D - Add Current Directory to Favorites
Alt + F - Manage Favorites

Under DVD Control Menu
PageUp - Previous Chapter
PageDn - Next Chapter
Ctrl + BackSpace - Root Menu

Under Playback Menu
B - Bookmark
Space - Play/Pause
Ctrl + Space - Stop
Ctrl + F - Next Frame
Ctrl + , - Previous Frame
Z - Speed Normal
X - Speed Down
C - Speed Up
Left Arrow Key - Backward 10 seconds
Right Arrow Key - Forward 10 seconds
Ctrl + Left Arrow Key - Backward 60 seocnds
Ctrl + Right Arrow Key - Forward 60 seconds
Shift + Left Arrow Key - Backward 300 seconds
Shift + Right Arrow Key - Forward 300 seconds
BackSpace - Restart from the Beginning
Home Key - Previous Subtitle Position
End Key - Next Subtitle Position
PageUp - Previous
PageDn - Next

Under A-B Repeat Menu
[ - Set A-B Repeat Start Point
] - Set A-B Repeat End Point
Shift + [ - Undo A-B Repeat Start Point
Shift + ] - Undo A-B Repeat End Point
\ - Clear A-B Repeat Settings

Under Intro/Outro Frame Skip Menu
Shift + ' - Enable Frame Skip

Under Subtitles Menu
Alt + H - Show Subtitles
Alt + E - Subtitle Explorer
Alt + Home - Default Position
Alt + Up Arrow Key - Up by 2%
Alt + Down Arrow Key - Down by 2%
Alt + Left Arrow Key - Left by 2%
Alt + Right Arrrow Key - Right by 2%
Alt + Numpad 6 - Increase Horizontal Spacing
Alt + Numpad 4 - Decrease Horizontal Spacing
Alt + Numpad 8 - Increase Vertical Spacing
Alt + Numpad 2 - Decrease Vertical Spacing
Alt + B - Font Bold
Alt + PageUp - Increase Font Size
Alt + PageDn - Decrease Font Size

Under VIDEO Menu
Ctrl + Shift + S - Rotate
Ctrl + Y - Flip Input
Ctrl + V - Flip Output
Ctrl + H - Mirror Input
Ctrl + J - Mirror Output
Ctrl + G - Advanced Screen Capture
Ctrl + C - Copy the Current Frame
Ctrl + E - Save the Current Frame
Ctrl + Q - Create Snapshot Preview
Ctrl + L - Soften
Ctrl + M - Sharpen
Ctrl + N - Noise
Q - Reset Video Control
E - Decrease Brightness by 2%
R - Increase Brightness by 2%
T - Decrease Contrast by 2%
Y - Increase Contrast by 2%
U - Decrease Saturation by 2%
I - Increase Saturation by 2%
O - Decrease Hue by 2%
P - Increase Hue by 2%

Under Filter Menu
Shift + F - Advanced Filter Settings

Under Audio Menu
Down Arrow Key - Volume Down
Up Arrow Key - Volume Up
M - Mute On/Off
Shift + G - Advanced Audio Capture
Shift + E - Use Equalizer
L - Set Equalizer
Shift + N  - Normalizer
Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow key - Decrease Normalizer Level
Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow Key - Increase Normalizer Level
Shift + P - Audio Settings
Shift + R - Reverb
Shift + S - 3D Stereo Effect
Shift + . - 0.1 second faster
Shift + , - 0.1 second slower
Shift + / - Default Audio Sync
A - Select Stream

Under FILTER Menu
Shift + F - Advanced Filter Settings
Under Aspect Ratio Menu
Ctrl + F5 - Enable (Fit to video)
Ctrl + F5 - Enable (Fit to window)
Ctrl + F5 - Disable
Ctrl + F6 - Default Aspect Ratio
Ctrl + F7 - 4:3 (TV)
Ctrl + F8 - 16:9 (HDTV)
Ctrl + F9 - 1.85:1 (Theater)
Ctrl + F10 - 2.35:1 (Theater)
Ctrl + F11 - User defined

Under the Pan & Scan Menu
Numpad 5 - Reset to Default
0 - Set Aspect Ratio
Numpad 4 - Video to the left
Numpad 6 - Video to the right
Numpad 8 - video to the top
Numpad 2 - video to the bottom
Numpad + - Video size +
Numpad -  - Video size -
Ctrl + Numpad 6 - Video width + 
Ctrl + Numpad 4 - Video Width -
Ctrl + Numpad 8 - Video Height +
Ctrl + Numpad 2 - Video Height -
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 4 - Window to the left
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 6 - Window to the right
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 8 - Window to the top
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 2- Window to the bottom
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad + - Window size + 
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad - - Window size -
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 5 - Window to the center
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 7 - Window top left corner
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 9 - Window right corner
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 3 - Window bottom right corner
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 1 - Window bottom left corner

1 - x0.5
2 - x1.0
3 - x1.5
4 - x2.0
5 - Maximize (No black space)
6 - Maximize
7 or Del - Fit to video input
Enter - Full screen: Keep ratio
Ctrl + Enter - Full screen: stretched
Ctrl + Alt + Enter - Full screen: Fill screen

Under SKINS Menu
Alt + F11 - Previous Color Theme
Alt + F12 - Next color Theme
Alt + F10 - Skin/Logo Management

Under Options Menu
Ctrl + A - always on top
Ctrl + T - on top while playing
Ctrl + Z - shutdown once finished playing the current file
Ctrl + Z - Shutdown once finished playing files in playlist
Ctrl + X - Exit GOM player once finished playing the current file
Ctrl + Z - Exit GOM player once finished playing files in playlist

Additional Shortcut Keys
Alt + Spacebar + M - move
Alt + Spacebar + R - restore
Alt + Spacebar + S - size
Alt + Spacebar + N - minimize
Alt + Spacebar + X - maximize
Alt + Spacebar + C - Close (x)