Flip rotating an image is very easy to do unless you have the available program to do the task for you. In Windows alone, you can do the flipping or mirror effect of an image using Paint. In fact all the available editing image programs today can do such task. These include Adobe, Flash, Gimp, Fireworks, and many more.

For this tutorial I be will using 3 programs to flip an image that you are seeing below this sentence.

original image

The mirror or flipped rotate image will be the image below.

flipped rotate/mirror image

Now, to be able to mirror an image using Microsoft Windows Paint. Follow the step-by-step process below.

1. Open your Paint.

2. Download a car image or whatever image you like to flip rotate. You can also try to flip your own photo.

3. After you already have an image, go back to Paint. Click "Paste" and then "Paste from". See the image below.

4. Browse for the image that you wanted to flip rotate. Then click Open.

5. When the image is inside Paint (Make sure the image is selected, otherwise the flipping will not work. The image is selected if you can see a dotted line around it). Now, Click "Rotate", then "Flip horizontal".

6. If successfully done, you now have your flipped rotate or mirror image. See the sample below.

Now we are going to use Macromedia Fireworks to flip rotate your image.

1. Open your Firewoks. Go to File, then click Open..

2. Browse for the image that you wanted to flip rotate (mirror), then click Open.

3. Once, your image is inside the working area of Fireworks, select it, then right click your image. In the Menu that will appear, click "Transform", and then follow through the submenu of Transform. Find and click on "Flip Horizontal". See the image below.

4. If successfully done, your image is now flipped.

We are now going to try flipping an image using the Macromedia Flash.

1. Open your Flash. Click Flash Document. See the image below.

2. Go to File > Import > Import to Stage (Ctrl + R).

3. In the window that will appear, browse your image, then click Open.

4. When your image is inside Flash, select it, then go to Modify > Transform > Flip Horizontal.

5. If successfully done, your image will be same as the image below.

You can also try to flip or mirror images using online services that offers free flipping of images like the links listed below. Note: We are not an affiliate of these websites, we are just listing them for additional references.