Flash is the only animation program that I learned during my college time. Yep! it is a little too old compared to the newest and more advanced animation program available in the internet today. But I will still show you a tutorial using it.

I personally learned this technique during my spare time while inside our computer laboratory. And for this animation, let me show you how you can create a very simple solar system using only basic knowledge in Macromedia Flash.

The advanced animation that we will using on this Flash tutorial is just the Motion Guide and a little cutting trick.

In order for you to do this tutorial you need the following:


a. A Macromedia Flash installed in your laptop/desktop computer.
b. Images of the sun, and planets in our solar system.

Now, just watch the video below that I uploaded way back the year 2013.

The result of the tutorial is just simple, and its up to you to add some effects, background and other objects to make your solar system look more good and professional.

Thank you for watching my video!