If you have a new blog or website, the tendency of your post whether new or old to get indexed by Google Search Engine takes too long compared to those websites which are already old. But thanks to the power of the new Google Search Console, you can now manually request for indexing of your blog post and be added in the so called Priority Crawl Queue.

I can personally say that this one really works because I got this blog sharingthat.xyz started last March 2019 and my blog was only a couple months old. Before, I just wrote something and published it and just wait for Google to index it. But now, the algorithm really changed a lot and competition in Google Search Results is also getting higher and higher. If you do not do something to get your post indexed by Google specially if your blog is just a new one, then, you will have no chance of getting indexed faster. But when I requested for indexing via Search Console, my post is getting indexed even just before hours of posting it.

Today, I will show you how to do this very simple way of requesting your post to be added inside the Priority Crawl Queue to get indexed by Google more faster. See the steps below.


NOTE: This post assumes that your blog or website is already added on the Google Search Console. If not, then you first need to add yours. And since you will just add it, there's no guarantee that this will work for you. But if you already added yours, then you can continue this tutorial.

1. Open your Google Search Console account, you can click here.

2. Select the blog or website that you wanted your post to get indexed and request for manual indexing.

3. Now, go back to your Blogger and copy the link of the new post that you want to get indexed. See image below.

4. After copying the link go back to search console and paste the link in the Inspect Any URL. And press the ENTER key or click the TEST LIVE URL button. See image below.

5. Just wait for the console to retrieve data from Google Index.

6.  Because the URL is not yet indexed, console will say the URL is not on Google. Find the REQUEST INDEXING button and click it.

7. The console will then test if your blog url is can be indexed. After that, your request will be submitted.

8. A message saying Indexing requested: URL was added to a priority crawl queue. Submitting a page multiple times will not change its queue position or priority. Just click the GOT IT button to close the message.

9. Your url post is now queued to be indexed by Google. All you need to do is wait for it to be indexed. As you can see on the image below, 14 hours after posting my other blog post PRC LET Result March 2019, it was now indexed in the Google Search.

10. Now, you can try to manually request for indexing of your blog URL on your own now. It is a little bit of work but it is really worth it.

To manually test your blog post if it already indexed in Google search, you can try any of the given tutorials below.

If you have something to share or ask about this post, please leave your comment below. Thank you!