If you are a Blogger or a webmaster, a SEO expert or just an admin of a particular blog, website or forum, then you might want to know whether your website is already indexed by Google robots as well as the other search engines out there like Bing, Ask, Yahoo, and more.

Knowing how to write a good post or an article is the best way to get indexed by Google more faster. If you let Google know that your article is worth crawling and not just another website that shares spams and useless trash then your website will be indexed even in the moment after you just published it.

I've seen popular and good website's contents get indexed very fast. And I am really amazed that this is really possible. I thought that getting indexed will take sometimes or even days but their content was absolutely indexed instantly.

For this post, I will show you how you can easily check your website's main URL and its subpages index status in Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Ask search engines.


1. Using the Google Search. Go to google.com and in the search bar type your website's top-level domain name or main URL and before it, just add site:. Example: site:www.sharingthat.xyz. The image below will be shown if your website is already indexed.

If your website is not yet indexed then, see the image below.

Now, let's check one of sharingthat.xyz subpage or post like the link below: Again, just add site: before the whole link.

Since, the post is just a new one, I do not expect it to be indexed already, see the image below.

Now, let us see a post that is already indexed by Google.

Using the Google search to check if our website is already indexed or not concludes two simple things. First, if your website and some of its posts are already indexed, a result will be shown. Second, if some of your website's posts are not yet indexed, it will say the "did not match any documents" as well as suggestions like: make sure that all words are spelled correctly, try different keywords, and try more general keywords.

2. Now, let's try Bing. Same steps apply. Go to bing.com search box and type your main website's URL. Do not forget to add site: before it. See the image below, if your website is already indexed same will appear to you.

You will also notice that Bing's search results are absolutely different compared to that of Google. Simply because the two has different algorithms in weighing websites appearances in their search result.

Now, if your website is not yet indexed by Bing.

Bing will just say that "There are no results for site:testonlyweb.info" and "Check your spelling or try different keywords".

3. If you wanted to try Ask.com and search.yahoo.com and then you may do so by doing the same steps that you've done above. For the meantime, here is the list of other search engines that you can try testing your website main domain as well as its subpages.

Yahoo Search
Baidu.com (Chinese)
Yandex.ru (Russian)
Gigablast.com (not free)
Search Encrypt.com
Sogou.com (Chinese)
Soso.com (Chinese)
Swisscows.ch (Swiss)
Youdao.com (Chinese)

This tutorial was written just to satisfy your curiosity. The main thing that you need to do is to continuously write contents that are new and useful to your readers. And you can just focus optimizing all your posts in Google Search because it is the main search engine used by people worldwide.

If you have something to share or ask regarding this post, just leave a comment below. Thank you!