You can easily see how many of your blog post are already indexed in the Google Search engine by going to your Google Console account. And as of May 15, 2019 for this blog, there 110 discovered URLs.

And when you click the "See Index Coverage", there are only 32 valid posts. These posts are the one that will appear in Google Search Results Page or SERP.

That's the fastest way to see your blog's indexed status in Google. To check this coverage in actual result, I will show you the simple trick.


1. Open your web browser.

2. In the address bar, type, and then press the ENTER key.

3. Google will show all the posts that is actually indexed under your blog or website. When you try to go all the way to the last post. In my case the 4th page, you will see there a message saying:
"In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 31 already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included."

We can clearly say that the Google Console is right because in the search results, Google said that there are already 31 posts displayed and some posts are only omitted.

How about the other Search Engines like,, Yahoo Search, etc?

To know how many of your posts are already indexed by Bing:

1. Go to

2. In the search bar of Bing, type and press Enter key or click the search icon. See image below.

3. Unlike Google, Bing only indexed 17 of my blog posts.

Now, lets try Yahoo Search.

1. Go to Yahoo Search.

2. In the search bar, type and press Enter key or click the search icon. See image below.

3. Yahoo Search, indexed a total of 85 posts in my blog. This is way too many compared to Google and Bing. But, we all knew that we want more blog post indexed coming from Google, because, Google is the most popular and used search engine worldwide.
For this post, we simply manually counted how many of our blog posts are already indexed by some of the most used search engines today. This is very important because you will know whether your posts are being indexed or not by different search engine robots out there. No indexing means no visitors, and no visitors means no conversions, and if there is no conversions, there are no ad clicks, and if there are no ad clicks, then your blog got no income.

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