If you are using Blogger as the main platform or front-end of your blog or website, then you will have a very big problem if you do not disable its mobile theme view. Why? Because when your blog is viewed using a mobile phone, the theme that you are currently using and can be seen using a laptop or desktop computer is not the same as the theme or template that can be seen using a mobile except the homepage but the rest of the articles are viewed with different (default) Blogger templates. You still need to click the link "View web version" to be able to see your personal or downloaded template to effect.


Another downside of not disabling your Mobile Theme View is that it will not show your Google Adsense ads or any other ads that you are getting your income. If you are a blogger, I guest you know what I mean already.

The image below is a sample screenshot of sharingthat.xyz blog homepage with enabled Mobile Theme View.

While the image below is the article-view also with enabled Mobile Theme View. You will notice that the ads that I am sure that I put for my articles should be there, but, since the mobile theme view is on, Blogger will automatically activate a default theme wherein your ads are never seen at all. And below this article you will see the "View web version". When you click this link, then that is the only time that you are going to see your ads and other widgets that were disabled when mobile-viewed.

Now, to be able to disable the Mobile Theme View of your Blogger template, just follow the simple steps below.

1. Go to your Blogger Theme.

2. Click the gear icon that you will see below mobile.

3. From "Yes. Show mobile theme on mobile devices", change it to "No. Show desktop theme on mobile devices". Then, press Save button.

4. You will then see that the mobile theme is grayed with the word "Disabled" over it.

5. Done!

Before anything else, you need to have a responsive Blogger template to be able to the result of this tutorial. Because if you do not have a responsive one, then disabling your mobile theme view will lead to disaster. Why? Because you will see a very terrible view of your website. See image below.

So please, download and install a responsive template first before doing this tutorial.

If you want a video tutorial of of steps above, please watch the video below.

If you have a question please do not hesitate to leave a comment using the comment form below. You can also share your experience regarding this topic also.