Blogger NavBar is a navigation bar located in the uppermost part of a blogger website. You will see it in every old, default blogger template.

blog with and without navbar

It contains the blogger logo, a search bar, More menu, your Gmail email address, New Post, Design, and Sign Out links. As you can in the image below.

NavBar is not very good-looking block of long rectangle above your header and that is the first reason why you might wanted to remove it completely.

The good thing is, all blogger templates now are having good-looking navigation bar and as long as you will not install the default and old blogger templates, you do not have to worry on doing this tutorial anymore. An example of new NavBar is seen below it contains Pages List widget.

On the other hand, the good thing in using the default blogger theme is, it is very easy to load while most other themes coming from other creators contains so many JavaScript and other images that make it harder to load. So it is up to you to choose which will really suit your taste and your blog's overall design.

Now, to be able to completely remove Blogger NavBar, here are the simple steps that you need to do.

1. Go to your Blogger Theme.

2. Click Edit HTML.

3. Inside the HTML editor, (click anywhere inside) and press Ctrl + F (Find). Type NavBar and press Enter key. See image below.

4. When you see the following line of code <b:section class='navbar' id='navbar' maxwidgets='1' name='Navbar' showaddelement='no'> , select it all until you reach the b:section closing tag line like this one → </b:section>. After selecting all the codes, press the Delete key.

5. After deleting all the selected codes, press Save theme button.

6. Now, see if the NavBar is gone for good already. You can see a live demo of this tutorial here.

7. Done!

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