MKV file is the most common extension of high-definition movies that you can download online for free. And for this article I will guide you how to add or embed a simple Mastroska or MKV players inside your blogger article or post.

The main reason why I created this article is because I always download HD movies from different forums online and these movies are always in MKV formats. Before, I will just download the movie with the size of over 1GB or more and then play it offline using VLC or GOM. You will get annoyed because after downloading such big movie file online, when you played it, the quality is not good and the audio is also terrible. The movie is just a big trash because someone just recorded it using their phone or camera.

But using the MKV player, I can first test the MKV file and then see its quality before downloading it. I only have metered-internet connection that is why I really see to it that the data that I consume is worth the download.

NOTE: This player is only tested using Google Chrome.

What you will need:
a. MVK movie file URL.
b. source code for the MKV player (which is available below)


1. Create a New Post in your Blogger.

2. From "Compose" switch to "HTML".

3. Now, copy and paste the given code below inside the HTML mode of your post.

<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//"></script>
<video id="MY_VIDEO_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls
preload="auto" width="100%" height="480" poster="MY_VIDEO_POSTER.jpg"
<source src="" type='video/mp4'>
<source src="MY_VIDEO.webm" type='video/webm'> </video>


a. If you want a preview thumbnail of the MKV movie file that you have embedded inside the player, you can change MY_VIDEO_POSTER.jpg with your own image URL.

b. If you want to embed your own MKV file, just change the given MKV URL with your own.

4. After making all the changes, click Publish to save and publish your post.

5. Test your MKV player if it working or not. See the live demo below of this tutorial.

If you wanted to test a MKV movie file URL, you can perform a free test here [MKV Online Tester] If you have something to share or ask regarding this article, please leave a comment below. Thank you!