Going to sell your domain name on Namecheap? Is this possible? Yes it is! So what are the main reasons why you wanna sell your domain name? Maybe, the answers are the following:

1. Your domain name is going to expire already.
2. You registered a wrong domain name which is rare.
3. Your domain got banned by Google.
4. You purchased a wrong domain extension.
5. Your domain is not performing well in SERPs or Search Engine Result Pages.

The listed reasons above are some and I know there are other explanations why you wanted to dispose your domain name.

The good thing is, if you bought your domain name using Namecheap, you can also sell it using Namecheap's Marketplace. There, you can either make your domain name priced more higher compared to the time that you bought it. You can also control the duration of selling time. You can also provide your domain's category to be easily seen by buyers. And lastly, if you changed your mind, the cancellation of selling can be easily done.

Now, here are the simple steps for you to be able to sell your Namecheap's domain name.

1. Login first to your Namecheap account using your registered username and password. Click the "Sign in and Continue" button.

2. Now, click Domain List menu at the left side of your account. After that the list of all your domain inside your Namecheap account will appear. Select the domain name that you wanted to sell into Namecheap's marketplace. Then, click the Manage button designated for that particular domain name. See the image below for visual sample of this step.

3. After clicking Manage, you will be redirected to a new page, you need to scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the "Sell Domain" button. Now click that button to continue. See image below.

4. Inside the Sell Domain, you will need to fill up some fields regarding your domain. These include the Asking Price, wherein the minimum amount is 5 dollars. The List Period or the selling time duration, the description of your domain which is optional, the Listing Categories or what kind of category your domain is included, the Adult Listing or whether your domain is an adult one or not. And make sure you checked the "Send me an email when this domain is successfully sold" so that Namecheap will send an email to your registered email address saying that the selling process was successful and you earned some dollars out of that. Once you typed in all the needed answers, continue and click the "Sell Domain" button.

5. A notification will popup saying that you successfully sell your domain name. Now, you can go back to the Manage page of the domain name that you just listed in Marketplace. Scroll again into the bottom of the page and there you will see the selling duration time of the domain.

6. Any time that you changed your mind, you can just click the Edit button and, Cancel the selling of the domain.

1. If your domain name did not fall into any categories given, you can just select the "Other" category.
2. The Description of the domain name is optional, you can either put some or just leave it blank.
3. IF you sold your domain for 5 dollars, you will just gain 4.50 dollars. The 0.50 dollar will be Namecheap's commission.