Innity is one of the main sources of my income on my blog. Since I joined their publisher program way back 2015, I already earned hundreds of thousands pesos (I am from Philippines) from them.

ads.txt innity

According to their main website, they are the leading online media company and provider of digital advertising technologies for both advertisers and publishers.

As of year 2019, the services they are offering are the following:

a. Display advertising
b. Mobile Advertising
c. Premium Marketplace
d. Programmatic Solution
e. Video Advertising
f. Influencer Marketing
g. Content Marketing

Head-quartered in Malaysia, Innity has 11 branches within Asia. These are the following:

1. Taiwan
2. Hong Kong
3. Singapore
4. China
5. Myanmar
6. Thailand
7. Korea
8. Indonesia
9. Vietnam
10. Cambodia
11. Philippines

To be able to join their publisher program, your website or blog must have a total of 40k unique visitors and 200k page views per month.

Their main ads are ads that pop-outs from the lower right-side of your blog. Some of their ad formats will entirely cover your blog page, while others are just the common ad-sizes like the 300x250 and the 720x90. And if your blog is also mobile-ready or responsive, then their mobile ads are also profitable and will earn lots of revenue for your blog.

Now, to be able to add the ads.txt file on Blogger for Innity Publisher Program, the given steps below must be followed.

1. Login on your Innity Advenue platform account first.

2. Inside your publisher account, find the 4-digit number together with your name located at the upper right corner of your screen. Copy and paste that 4-digit number into a notepad.

3. Now, go to your blogger Settings > Search preferences > Monetization > Custom Ads.txt.

4. If your ads.txt is already enabled, just click Edit. Just copy and paste inside the ads.txt text field the given code or record below., XXXX, DIRECT, 47ea16374dff1d69

5. Change the XXXX to the number you pasted in a notepad while doing step #2 above.

6. After changing, click "Save Changes" button.

7. Done!

To be able to check whether you implemented the Innity tag inside your blog, you must see it live. Just type in the address bar of your internet browser the given code below.

Please change YOURBLOG with your own domain name and then hit the Enter key to load the ads.txt page.


If the steps given above is kinda blurry and seemed unclear for you to be done, then, you must directly contact Innity's publisher support. My experience with their support team was always awesome and they will directly answer your email to them regarding any matters as long as your subject is all about Innity itself. You can also use their Support page and create a ticket about the implementation of the ads.txt on your blog. The Support page is located inside your Innity Advenue publisher account. And like I said earlier, you can just directly email them using your Yahoo or GMail account. Just be precise about the topic regarding the purpose of your email so that you can be answered by them as soon as possible.

If you want a video tutorial of this article please watch the video below that I uploaded on my Youtube channel.