For this post, I will show you a very simple way to be able to easily see all the scheduled live streaming videos of a particular Youtube channel or user.

A very simple way to see a channel or user upcoming live streams is by going to Videos > click the Uploads > then in the dropdown menu choose Live streams.

To do this, just follow the given simple steps below.



1. Now, to see the list of scheduled live streams of a particular channel, use the given link below.

2. The Youtube channel above is, you can check by clicking the link. Now, using the same link above, for example, I want to know the upcoming live streams of FIBA. Assuming that I already knew its channel id which is UCtInrnU3QbWqFGsdKT1GZtg, then, all I need to do is replace UCXDG9ue-emCN8Ad3h7lERqQ with the id and the outcome link will be the given link below.
3. You can check if the link really works by clicking it. And it will redirect you to the page wherein you will see all the scheduled live streams of FIBA.


1. The same goes for the Youtube user page. You can see the given link below which is a Thai TV station that sometimes schedules live streams on Youtube.

2. All you need to do is replace the SMMTVHD with whatever user that you wanted to see the upcoming live streams.