I don't know why you wanna preview a particular link or URL to see its thumbnail or main image as well as its description, but there's a very simple way to do it.

The first option that you can do is using your Facebook account, you can just copy and paste the URL inside the "Create Post" saying "what's on your mind, YourName", and then the image thumbnail will be seen there as well as the description. But if the title of the link is too long, then, the description will be hidden.

Another easy way is to use your Twitter account. Copy and paste the link inside the Compose New Tweet and publish it and you will see the preview. But it won't show you the description.

Another way is to use the Google extension SEOquake. By diagnosing the link, it will show the description of the link but not the thumb image of it.

All the given three suggestions works but not complete. And for this tutorial I will show you how you can simply preview a link and see its thumbnail image as well as its description.


1. Copy the link of the article or post that you wanted to see the preview and description.

2. Go to Facebook Debugger, click here.

3. In the Enter a URL paste your link and press the colored blue Debug button.

4. If this message saying: "This URL hasn't been shared on Facebook before." just click the "Fetch new information" button to continue.

5. Find "Time Scraped" and click the "Scrape Again" button.

6. And you will now see the Link preview with its thumbnail. And scroll down a bit more and find the og:description and you will see there the complete description of the link.

7. Done!