A lot of website is saying that the meta keyword SEO rule will be soon removed and as a blogger we do not want to rely on it anymore. But that rule is only for Google Search engine, and many said already that the meta keyword rule is here to stay for other search engines like Yahoo/Bing and more.

To those who do not know what a meta keyword is, it is simply a word or a phrase that contains the main keyword of your article. It tells all the search engine out there what your topic is all about and it reflects the whole content of your article.

For this tutorial, I will simply show you how you can easily write all the keywords that you wanted in each of your individual Blogger posts. You do not need to edit your theme's HTML at all.


a. SEOquake analytics installed in your web browser (We will going to use this to diagnose your individual blogger post later and check if the keyword that you put will really appear). For Chrome extension click here. For Firefox, click here. And for Internet Explorer, click here.


1. After you installed the SEOquake as an extension in your web browser, go to your Blogger and create an article.

2. After creating an article, switch from "Compose" to "HTML". See image below.


3. While you are in the HTML mode, copy and paste the code below at the uppermost section of your article.

<meta content='put all your keywords here separated by comma' name='keywords'/>

4. Once you have pasted the code above, it is now the time to type all your keywords.


5. When done typing all the meta keywords, do not switch to Compose because the meta tag will be formatted and will be removed by Blogger when you do so. Just click "Publish" to save your article as well as your keywords.

6. Now, open your newly made article. Once opened, click the SEOquake icon located near the upper right corner of your web browser. In the menu that will appear, click "Diagnosis"


7. After clicking Diagnose, SEOquake will open a new page and show all the diagnosis and analysis about your current blog article or post. You will also see there all the meta keywords that you type using this tutorial.


8. Done!

If you have some thing share or ask regarding this tutorial, please do not hesitate to leave a comment below. Thanks!