Here is the list of all (I think) the useful Google Chrome shortcut keys I performed and listed myself. I am listing all of these shortcuts because Chrome is a very popular internet browser and these shortcuts will be very useful if memorized while using it. Please be noted that is for Windows users only.
LIST: 40 Google Chrome Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + T - New tab
Ctrl + Shift + T - Reopen closed Tab
Shift + Esc - Task Manager
Alt + F4 - Close (x)
Alt + Arrow Down - Chrome Menu
Ctrl + Shift + N - New incognito window
Ctrl + J - Downloads
Ctrl + P - Print
Ctrl + F - Find
Ctrl + H - History
Ctrl + D - Bookmark this page
Ctrl + Shift + D - Bookmark open pages
Ctrl + Shift + B - Show Bookmark bar
Ctrl + Shift + O - Book manager
Ctrl + S - Save page as
Ctrl + Shift + Del - Clear Brownsing data
Ctrl + Shift + I - Developer Tools / Inspect
Hold Ctrl key while rolling the mouse wheel up - Zoom In
Hold Ctrl key while rolling the mouse wheel down - Zoom Out
Alt + Arrow Down + C - Cast
Alt + Arrow Down + S - Settings
Alt + Arrow Down + E - Help
Alt + Arrow Down + E + G - About Google Chrome
Alt + Arrow Down + E + G - Update Google Chrome
Alt + Arrow Down + E + E - Help Center
Alt + Arrow Down + L + E - Extension
Alt + Arrow Down + L - More Tools
F5 - Refresh page
Ctrl + R - Reload
Ctrl + U - View Page Source
F11 - Fullscreen
F12 - Developer Tools
F3 - Find
F1 - Help Center
Alt + Left Arrow - Back
Alt + Right Arrow - Forward
Alt + Spacebar + R - Restore
Alt + Spacebar + M - Move
Alt + Spacebar + N - Minimize
Alt + Spacebar + X - Maximize

Under the Developer Tools (Ctrl + Shift + I) you will find the following:
  • Elements
  • Console
  • Sources
  • Network
  • Performance
  • Memory
  • Application
  • Security
  • Audits
  • JavaScript Profiler

Note: if Ctrl + U (View Page Source) will not work because the owner of the website disabled the feature, then, all you have to do is add view-source: at the beginning of the URL of the page that you want to view the source code. For example, if you want to view the source code of this youtube video link:, then the link should look like:


Shift + F10 - Google Chrome Right Click Menu